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Session 3 - Collecting network data

Session 3 - collection and construction of network data #

In this session, you are faced with an important decision in regard to data collection for your exam projects. There are three possibilities:

  1. You use the den17 data set, find a subset and analyze it with appropriate tools covered during the course

  2. You collect data using orbis, find a suitable subset and analyze it with appropriate tools covered during the course

  3. You collect your own relational data, create a graph object and analyze it with appropriate tools covered during the course

First, I will highlight how you can find subsets of the data set den17. We start by setting our working directory using setwd() and loading our packages. We load the data set den17 and filter the sector column by corporations.

This time, we also load an additional R.file called custom_functions.R which can be downloaded below. Please place this R.file in your r folder.

Download customs_functions.R
## load working directory 

# libs

# Load and manipulate data set --------------------------------------------
# Load
den <- read_csv("input/den17-no-nordic-letters.csv")

# we'll be looking only at corporations, that have a valid company ID in the
# Danish register for firms (the CVR register)
den1 <- 
  den %>% 
  filter(sector == "Corporations") %>% 

We load the custom_functions.R file by putting it into the source() function. After this is done and executed, we have loaded, among others, the following custom functions into our environment:

  1. the function show.all.tags() which allows us to see all the tags of the data set den. This can be applied either on the raw data set or on any subset of den that contains the same column structure

  2. the function has.tags() which allows us to subset the data set den by specific tags

  3. the function clean_orbis() which loads an excel file from Orbis, selects a specific set of columns and cleans them

3.1 Sub-setting the data set den #

We can see all tags of the raw data set den by using the function show.all.tags(). Below, only the first 20 entries are shown.

# all tags of company boards
show.all.tags(den1)[1:20, ] 
##               Positions affiliations
## Animals              27            3
## Architecture         93           14
## Banks               354           36
## BILH                186           44
## Business              8            1
## BYGG                282           43
## Charity              16            1
## Children              8            1
## Clothing             11            1
## Commerce             46            6
## Commercials          37            7
## Communication        51           12
## Construction         48            8
## Consultants          97           21
## Consumers            11            1
## Corporation        7322         1120
## Counseling            5            1
## Culture             159           23
## Design               13            2
## DETH                184           28

To actually subset the data set, we can use the has.tags() function. This function can be applied to each tag (or several tags) that are found in the list above. There are three output options: the option "den", which reproduces the den17 data set, the option “affil" which gives a vector of affiliations and the option "name" which gives a vector of names.

The R chunk below only shows the first 20 rows for each output.

# suppose we want to get a subset of den1 that includes all names and affiliations with the tag "Banks"
bank <- has.tags(den1, "Banks", result = "den")
##       Matched positions
## Banks               354
# now, we only want the UNIQUE affiliations 
bank1 <- has.tags(den1, "Banks", result = "affil")
##       Matched positions
## Banks               354
# and only UNIQUE names
bank2 <- has.tags(den1, "Banks", result = "name")
##       Matched positions
## Banks               354
# we can also subset by several tags, first we make a vector
tags <- c("Banks", "Finance", "Pensions")

# this gives us the whole data tibble 
finance <- has.tags(den1, tags, result = "den")
##          Matched positions
## Banks                  354
## Finance                881
## Pensions               217
finance[1:20, ]
## # A tibble: 20 × 17
##    name                  affil…¹ role  tags  posit…²     id sector type  descr…³
##    <chr>                 <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>  <chr> <chr>  
##  1 Aage Almtoft          Middel… Memb… Corp…       1  95023 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
##  2 AAke Per-Urban Bäcks… Danske… Vice… Corp…     416 132356 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
##  3 Alice Lykke           SEB Pe… Memb… Corp…     689  97986 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
##  4 Allan Buch            Middel… Chai… Corp…     785  95018 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
##  5 Allan Michael Luplau  Sygefo… Chie… Corp…    1064  99077 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
##  6 Amund Skarholt        SOS In… Chai… Corp…    1274  98467 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
##  7 Anders Bondo Christe… Laerer… Chai… Corp…    1364  58555 Corpo… Virk… Formand
##  8 Anders Bondo Christe… Laan &… Chai… Corp…    1384  94515 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
##  9 Anders Buhl-Christen… Sparek… Memb… Corp…    1420  98558 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
## 10 Anders Christen Obel  ERHVER… Memb… Corp…    1459  87665 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
## 11 Anders Christian Dam  BRFkre… Chai… Bank…    1514 128889 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
## 12 Anders Christian Dam  Jyske … Exec… Corp…    1518  93008 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
## 13 Anders Eldrup         JURIST… Chai… Corp…    1650  92935 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
## 14 Anders Hjulmand       Tryg    Memb… Corp…    1870 130413 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
## 15 Anders Jensen 677     Nykred… Exec… Bank…    1979  96205 Corpo… Virk… Automa…
## 16 Anders Kristian Bech  Vestjy… Memb… Corp…    2111 100297 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
## 17 Anders Rasmussen 827  MP PEN… <NA>  Corp…    2416 111468 Corpo… Virk… Cand.s…
## 18 Anette Eberhard       Alm. B… Memb… Corp…    3090  82511 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
## 19 Anker Boye            Sampen… Chai… Corp…    3503  58509 Corpo… Virk… (forma…
## 20 Anne Gleerup          Sparek… Vice… Corp…    4071  98559 Corpo… <NA>  Automa…
## # … with 8 more variables: created <dttm>, archived <dttm>,
## #   last_checked <dttm>, cvr_person <dbl>, cvr_affiliation <dbl>,
## #   person_id <dbl>, affiliation_id <dbl>, gender <chr>, and abbreviated
## #   variable names ¹​affiliation, ²​position_id, ³​description

Some people and affiliations can have several tags. To find people with several tags, we filter the data by the tags we are interested in, and then use the intersect() function.

a1 <- den1 %>% filter(grepl("Farming", tags)) %>% pull(name)

b1 <- den1 %>% filter(grepl("Banks", tags)) %>% pull(name)

c1 <- intersect(a1, b1)

3.2 Downloading data from Orbis #

Second, I highlight how you can collect data from Orbis. As a student of CBS, you have free access to Orbis, which is a website that contains information about corporations around the world. Orbis is just one available option to collect data. Feel free to use others as well.

CBS Link to Orbis

To download data from Orbis, please follow the steps explained in this video. Please note, that Lasse recorded this video in 2020, and some filters have changed since then. This means that while you are able to reproduce the same filter choices, you will get different results.

Video about how to use Orbis

For this exercise class, I have created a different data set than what you see in the video. Specifically, I have applied the following filters which you can see in the image below.

Screenshot from Orbis

The data set that you can download here contains information about all public limited Companies in Copenhagen. You can download it by pressing the button below.

Download Orbis data

If you follow the video above and add columns that include information about the shareholders, their titles, and their unique identification number, you can use the function clean_orbis() which I have created to make your lives a little easier. The function cleans the column names, certain data entries and classes and returns structure that is similar to the den17 data set.

df <- clean_orbis(path = "input/public_companies_cph.xlsx")
## New names:
## • `` -> `...1`
## Rows: 31,444
## Columns: 8
## $ name        <chr> "Mr Ane Maersk Mc-Kinney Uggla", "Mr Lars Erik Brenoe", "M…
## $ affiliation <chr> "A.P. MOLLER HOLDING A/S", "A.P. MOLLER HOLDING A/S", "A.P…
## $ title       <chr> "Chairman (Board of Directors)", "Director (Board of Direc…
## $ id          <chr> "P043421359", "P041964972", "P645698736", "P041410476", "P…
## $ sector      <chr> "6499", "6499", "6499", "6499", "6499", "6499", "6499", "6…
## $ revenue     <dbl> 62187559, 62187559, 62187559, 62187559, 62187559, 62187559…
## $ n_employees <dbl> 93076, 93076, 93076, 93076, 93076, 93076, 93076, 93076, 93…
## $ gender      <chr> "male", "male", "female", "male", "male", "male", "male", …

If you add other columns than specified in the video above, the function clean_orbis() might produce errors. The clean_orbis() function enables you to use all remaining functions, such as creating an incidence matrix and a graph object, just like with the data set den17. There is no need to rename columns.

Please note, that Orbis data is “real data” in the sense that it is not completely clean. Depending on your data set, you have to undertake further cleaning operations. Some of those can be seen in the r-script that can be found below under materials.

3.3 Loading and visualizing a two-mode network #

After we have found a suitable subset of our data, we are ready to load a graph object. Since both den17 and Orbis data have two columns (name and affiliation) which are used as input variables for our graph object, we always load data by first creating an incidence matrix.

There are also different ways of loading graph objects, such as through the igraph functions graph_from_data_frame() or graph_from_edgelist(). However, I only recommend to use these functions if you are dealing with an edge list or data frame that shows connections between entities of the same unit (one-mode edge lists). If the raw data contains a two-mode edge list (as in den17 or in Orbis), it is better to load graph objects through an incidence or adjacency matrix.

Since we already covered on how to load a graph object through an incidence or adjacency matrix here, I will just show the code.

incidence <- xtabs(formula = ~ name + affiliation, data = finance, sparse = TRUE)

adj_i <- incidence %*% Matrix::t(incidence)

adj_c <- Matrix::t(incidence) %*% incidence

# 2. Loading two-mode network "gr" and one-mode networks "gr1" and "gr2"

gr <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(incidence, directed = FALSE) %>% 
  simplify(remove.multiple = TRUE, remove.loops = TRUE)

gr1 <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_i, mode = "undirected") %>% 
  simplify(remove.multiple = TRUE, remove.loops = TRUE)

gr2 <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_c, mode = "undirected") %>% 
  simplify(remove.multiple = TRUE, remove.loops = TRUE)

# look at gr
## IGRAPH c51ee69 UN-B 920 931 -- 
## + attr: type (v/l), name (v/c)
## + edges from c51ee69 (vertex names):
## [1] Aage Almtoft            --Middelfart Sparekasse                    
## [2] AAke Per-Urban Bäckström--Danske Bank                              
## [4] Alice Lykke             --SEB Pension                              
## [5] Allan Bisgaard          --Koebstaedernes Forsikring                
## [6] Allan Buch              --Middelfart Sparekasse                    
## [7] Allan Kragh Thaysen     --Nykredit Forsikring (note)               
## [8] Allan Michael Luplau    --Sygeforsikring Danmark                   
## + ... omitted several edges

Visualizing two-mode networks is very similar to visualizing one-mode networks. Two mode networks have an attribute called type which you can see just above. It is a node attribute.

When we visualize two-mode networks, we need to make the type of the node visible, because otherwise, we will not know which node is a corporation and person respectively. We specify this by using the color argument.

gr %>% 
  ggraph("fr") +
  geom_edge_link0(color = "gray40") +
  geom_node_point(aes(color = type)) +
  geom_node_point(aes(filter=type==FALSE), alpha = 0.8, size = 1) +
  geom_node_point(aes(filter=type==TRUE), alpha = 0.5, size = 2) +
  # changing the legend content
  scale_color_manual(values = c("steelblue", "salmon2"), 
                     labels = c("individuals", "corporations")) +
  labs(title = "Corporate interlocks in the Danish financial sector", 
       # changing the legend header
       color = "Node types") +

We select the largest component exactly as we do with one-mode networks too. Let us select the largest component and visualize it.

# Select largest component 
complist <- components(gr)
comps <- decompose.graph(gr)

# make index 
index <- 
  table(complist$membership) %>% 
  as_tibble(.name_repair = make.names) %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
  mutate(X = as.numeric(X)) %>% 

# select biggest
comp1 <- comps[[index[1]]]

# visualize

comp1 %>% 
  ggraph("fr") +
  geom_edge_link0(color = "gray40") +
  geom_node_point(aes(color = type)) +
  geom_node_point(aes(filter=type==FALSE), alpha = 0.8, size = 1) +
  geom_node_point(aes(filter=type==TRUE), alpha = 0.5, size = 2) +
  geom_node_text(aes(filter=type==TRUE, label = name), size = 1.5,
                 # no overlap
                 repel = TRUE) +
  # changing the legend content
  scale_color_manual(values = c("steelblue", "salmon2"), 
                     labels = c("individuals", "corporations")) +
  labs(title = "Biggest component of corporate interlocks in the Danish financial sector", 
       # changing the legend header
       color = "Node types") +

3.4 Adding graph attributes to one-mode networks #

If you want to visualize certain aspects of the underlying raw data, you have to first add them as graph attributes. Adding attributes from the original raw data can be more complicated than adding graph-specific attributes such as distance or degree.

3.4.1 Attributes for person one-mode network #

Here, I show how you can add the gender of the person as a graph attribute.

# we want to add attributes to the person one-mode network gr1 

# first, make a tibble where you make a name and gender column
a1 <- tibble(
  name = V(gr1)$name, 
  gender = finance %>% count(name, gender) %>% pull(gender)

# second, check if the sequence of names are similar in the tibble and the graph object and then add it
all.equal(V(gr1)$name, a1$name)
## [1] TRUE
# add it as a vertex attribute
V(gr1)$gender <- a1$gender

# visualize
gr1 %>% 
  ggraph("fr") +
  geom_edge_link0(color = "gray40") +
  geom_node_point(aes(color = gender), size = 1) +

3.4.1 Attributes for corporate one-mode network #

Here, I show how you can add the sector of a corporation as a graph attribute

# remember that the corporate network is made from the object finance which includes the tags Banks, Finance and Pension
# first, we make an affiliation sub set for each.
bank <- has.tags(den1, "Banks", "affil")
##       Matched positions
## Banks               354
fin <- has.tags(den1, "Finance", "affil")
##         Matched positions
## Finance               881
pension <- has.tags(den1, "Pensions", "affil")
##          Matched positions
## Pensions               217
# second, we create a data frame which binds three data frames together into one. We give each node a tag name. 

a1 <- rbind(
  tibble(name=fin, tag ="finance"), 
  tibble(name=bank, tag ="bank"), 
  tibble(name=pension, tag ="pension")

# second, we make an incidence matrix
a2 <- xtabs(formula = ~ name + tag, data = a1, sparse = T)

# change matrix to tibble format 
a2 <- a2 %>% as.matrix() %>% as_tibble(rownames = "name")

# let us look at the object
## # A tibble: 108 × 4
##    name                                                     bank finance pension
##    <chr>                                                   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 A/S DANSK ERHVERVSINVESTERING                               0       1       0
##  2 ALD Automotive                                              0       1       0
##  3 Alm. Brand                                                  0       1       0
##  4 Alpha Holding                                               0       1       0
##  5 ALTOR EQUITY PARTNERS A/S                                   0       1       0
##  6 AP Pension                                                  0       1       1
##  7 Arbejdernes Landsbank                                       1       1       0
##  8 ARKITEKTERNES PENSIONSKASSE                                 0       0       1
##  9 Bank DNB Nord                                               1       1       0
## 10 BDO - Statsautoriseret revisionsaktieselskab (bestyrel…     0       1       0
## # … with 98 more rows

The object a2 denotes 1 if a corporation belongs to a sector and 0 if it does not. With this information, we can use the filter() function to make vectors with different names depending on the possible firm types. Consequently, each firm type is assigned to the firmtpye attribute.

# make vectors with different names depending on the possible firm types
only_bank <- a2 %>% filter(bank==1 & finance==0 & pension ==0) %>% pull(name)
only_finance <- a2 %>% filter(bank==0 & finance==1 & pension ==0) %>% pull(name)
only_pension <- a2 %>% filter(bank==0 & finance==0 & pension ==1) %>% pull(name)
bank_finance <- a2 %>% filter(bank==1 & finance==1 & pension ==0) %>% pull(name)
bank_pension <- a2 %>% filter(bank==1 & finance==0 & pension ==1) %>% pull(name)
finance_pension <- a2 %>% filter(bank==0 & finance==1 & pension ==1) %>% pull(name)
bank_finance_pension <- a2 %>% filter(bank==1 & finance==1 & pension ==1) %>% pull(name)

# make an empty network attribute
V(gr2)$firmtype <- NA

# rename for reach firm type 
V(gr2)$firmtype[which(V(gr2)$name %in% only_bank)] <- "only_bank"
V(gr2)$firmtype[which(V(gr2)$name %in% only_finance)] <- "only_finance"
V(gr2)$firmtype[which(V(gr2)$name %in% only_pension)] <- "only_pension"
V(gr2)$firmtype[which(V(gr2)$name %in% bank_finance)] <- "bank_finance"
V(gr2)$firmtype[which(V(gr2)$name %in% bank_pension)] <- "bank_pension"
V(gr2)$firmtype[which(V(gr2)$name %in% finance_pension)] <- "finance_pension"
V(gr2)$firmtype[which(V(gr2)$name %in% bank_finance_pension)] <- "bank_finance_pension"

# Look at the result
##   [1] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##   [4] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "finance_pension"     
##   [7] "bank_finance"         "only_pension"         "bank_finance"        
##  [10] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [13] "bank_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [16] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [19] "finance_pension"      "only_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [22] "bank_finance"         "only_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [25] "bank_finance"         "bank_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [28] "bank_finance"         "bank_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [31] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [34] "bank_finance"         "only_pension"         "only_finance"        
##  [37] "only_finance"         "finance_pension"      "only_finance"        
##  [40] "only_pension"         "only_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [43] "bank_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [46] "only_finance"         "bank_finance"         "only_pension"        
##  [49] "finance_pension"      "bank_finance"         "finance_pension"     
##  [52] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [55] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [58] "finance_pension"      "only_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [61] "only_finance"         "bank_finance_pension" "bank_finance_pension"
##  [64] "bank_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [67] "only_finance"         "bank_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [70] "only_finance"         "bank_finance"         "finance_pension"     
##  [73] "finance_pension"      "finance_pension"      "only_pension"        
##  [76] "finance_pension"      "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [79] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [82] "finance_pension"      "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [85] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
##  [88] "only_finance"         "finance_pension"      "finance_pension"     
##  [91] "bank_finance"         "only_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [94] "bank_finance"         "bank_finance"         "bank_finance"        
##  [97] "bank_finance"         "bank_finance"         "bank_finance"        
## [100] "bank_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
## [103] "only_finance"         "only_finance"         "only_finance"        
## [106] "bank_finance"         "only_finance"         "bank_finance"

Last, we select the largest component, and visualize the network with firmtype as the color node attribute.

# Select largest component 
complist <- components(gr2)
comps <- decompose.graph(gr2)

index <- 
  table(complist$membership) %>% 
  as_tibble(.name_repair = make.names) %>% 
  arrange(desc(n)) %>% 
  mutate(X = as.numeric(X)) %>% 

comp1 <- comps[[index[1]]]

# visualize
comp1 %>% 
  ggraph(layout = "fr") + 
  geom_edge_link0(width=.5, alpha=0.4) + 
  geom_node_point(aes(color=firmtype), size=4) + 
  geom_node_label(aes(color=firmtype, label=name), size=2, nudge_y=-0.05, repel=TRUE) + 
## Warning: ggrepel: 18 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps

3.5 Material #